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Support And Endorsement

Although this endeavour is still in its infant stages, we invite you to be a part of this new path God is providing. There are a number of ways for you to participate with BeLoved Care, to help people live with dignity and purpose even as their bodies and minds become increasingly frail.

Our Calling

God calls families, the communion of saints, and deacons in their ministry of mercy to ensure that the needs of our loved ones are met:

  • Exodus 20:12

    “Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you,”

  • Galatians 6:10

    “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

  • Leviticus 19:32a

    “You shall stand up before the grey head and honour the face of an old man...”

  • 1 Timothy 5:8

    “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

  • Ordination of elders and deacons, Book of Praise

    “No one in the congregation of Christ may live uncomforted under the pressure of sickness, loneliness, and poverty. For the sake of this service of love, Christ has given deacons to the church.”

Join us in Prayer for Beloved Care

Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessing over BeLoved Care as we seek to serve the vulnerable and elderly among us, especially those in our families and households of faith. BeLoved Care has a desire to create a care home in which residents can feel comfortable to express their faith, participate in religious activities, and receive spiritual support. This facility wants to prioritize the provision of high-quality care that meets the physical, emotional, and social needs of its residents, while integrating the values you have taught us through your Word, into all aspects of its operations. By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we let our requests be made known to You. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus, Amen.


BeLoved Care is a collaborative effort between members of local Reformed churches. We strive to uphold the primary responsibility of the family to care for their loved ones, while recognizing the blessing of the communion of saints and deacons in their ministry of mercy. We welcome letters or statements of support from individuals and local consistories.

June 22, 2023

Dear Brothers,

We are very excited to inform you about a new collaborative endeavour that is taking place amongst members of local Reformed churches. For too long now, our community has been without a Christian long-term care centre. Possibilities exist for elderly members or those with disabilities within our churches to reside in Christian independent-living facilities (e.g. Elim), but once they require a higher level of care (for severe stroke, dementia, advanced multiple sclerosis, etc), they are relegated to a government-run facility.

It is the mission of “BeLoved Care” to change that. The apostle John writes, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7a). We are motivated by God’s gracious love for us, helpless sinners in need of mercy. Our mission is to create a Reformed Christian long-term care home that would enable families, the communion of saints, and local churches to show Godly love and mercy to the elderly and infirm in our midst who require that higher level of care.

There is already a large need for this level of care within our collective congregations. Numerous individuals in the local Reformed churches currently require this specialized care, and are scattered in various government-run facilities that often leave much to be desired. By uniting together in a common mission to provide a quality Christian Home for our needy loved ones, we believe it is a real possibility.

We write to you to ask for your blessing on this endeavour and to please keep this matter in your prayers. Feedback, suggestions and questions are always welcome. We also request to place information about this organization in your local bulletins and/or social media outlets. If your church hosts a deacons’ “Seniors Coffee” or similar event, we would also love the opportunity to do an informal presentation to the seniors in your midst. Lastly, we would welcome a small note of endorsement that we can include on our upcoming website.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:9,10).
In Christ,

BeLoved Care board members

Trinity Reformed Church
1100 40 Ave. N
Lethbridge, Alberta  T1H 6B7

October 4, 2023

RE: Letter of Support for BeLoved Care

Dear BeLoved Care board members,

Galatians 6:10 states “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” The council of Trinity Reformed Church supports the works and plans of BeLoved Care to create a Christian long-term care centre. It is abundantly clear that the work of the board is guided by scripture, to promote action in accordance with the Word, and to promote the dignity of human life at all stages.

We acknowledge that many secular institutions have shifted to a diminished view of people. They value people based on monetary worth/cost and their perceived contributions to society. These beliefs have ushered in a trend of euthanasia for the elderly and the severely ill, a truly condemnable practice. These beliefs have also debased the care and treatment that patients receive at many of these institutions. BeLoved Care, in contrast, is building a foundation on the truth that all people are created in the image of God, having inherent dignity. Our council is encouraged by the comprehensive thinking of BeLoved Care that seeks to care for the entire well-being of individuals including the need for spiritual care.

Our council also appreciates that this endeavour is shared with other Reformed churches. Projects such as this remind us that we all serve the same Lord and Saviour who “is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church.” (Colossians 1:17, 18a).

As a council, we commit to praying for the work of BeLoved Care and to promote this group within our congregation. We also look forward to future interactions with the board to explore ways we can collaborate with and support the efforts of creating a Christian long-term care centre in the Lethbridge area.

We wish you God’s blessings and strength as you labour to make this a reality.

In service to Christ,

The Council of Trinity Reformed Church,

To: The Board of BeLoved Care

January 15, 2023

The Council of the Canadian Reformed Church at Coaldale is appreciative of the work being
done by BeLoved Care with a view toward establishing a Christian care home for the elderly in
the Reformed Christian community of Southern Alberta. We are supportive of the board’s stated
objectives in assisting Reformed Christian families in the care of the elderly in our midst in a
Christ-centred environment, in obedience to God’s command. We are thankful for the thorough
foundation that has been already laid by the board. As we are all made in the image of God,
and we are to care for one another spiritually and physically, we are in agreement with and in
support of the stated purpose, beliefs, and foundational principles of BeLoved Care.

May God bless the work of your hands in this exciting endeavor,

Coaldale Canadian Reformed Church
Coaldale, Alberta

March 8, 2024

Thank you so much for taking the time to present your plans to us for an assisted living facility in our area. We are grateful that there are people like yourselves that are compelled to undertake such an endeavor as this. We wholeheartedly agree that this is a much needed service in our local Reformed community.

With that we would like to express our support for this project. In its fledgling stages, we support this endeavor in principle and in prayer. The Lord willing, as it comes to fruition we would intend to
support it financially as well.

We pray for the Lord’s blessing in this work going forward in the hopes of building up our community and providing a place where the elderly and those who cannot look after themselves would receive the loving care that they need. May God bless you in this task.

With Christian greetings,

Consistory with the Deacons
Taber Canadian Reformed Church

To the board of Beloved Care:

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
2 Corinthians 4:16, 17 NKJV

We know that on this side of heaven we will face adversities. Some of us will have a long and healthy life while others will face the challenges of getting older. That is why these types of facilities are important. When Christ is the center of any project, we should be supporting this.

We would like to advise you that Grace Reformed Church of Lethbridge, AB is willing to support, both financially and through prayer, Beloved Care and its desire to build an Extendicare facility. We believe this to be a very necessary and important work in the plans that God has for us. Those who face these challenges in this life can both be a witness and a blessing to all those involved. May the Lord richly bless you in this endeavor.

Thank you for this opportunity,

The council of Grace Reformed Church
Lethbridge, AB

Dear BeLoved Care Board Members,

Thank you for presenting to us your plans for a Christian Long Term Care Home. In our culture the value of human life is under attack. There are many among us who have complex care needs and we believe they would greatly benefit from such a facility. Those with complex care needs would be able to live out their last days in comfort and safety, knowing that they are a valued member of our society. The families whose loved ones require 24 hour care will also be supported in knowing that their loved one are in a Christian focused care facility.

The Granum Christian Reformed Church Council supports the Beloved Care Board in their stated endeavor. We pray that the Lord would bless this proposed project and grant His wisdom to the Beloved Care Board Members in its planning.

In service to Christ,

Granum Christian Reformed Church Council

December 7, 2023


BeLoved Care


Dear Committee Members,


Thank you for your letter regarding your endeavour to provide long term
care within the Reformed community.

We agree that this is a need and heartily endorse this initiative. We will
remember this in prayer and pray for a blessing on these plans. We look
forward to a presentation to our Council and will be pleased to post your
information in our bulletin and social media.


Christian greetings,


On behalf of Bethel Free Reformed Church

To: Beloved Care Reformed Community


November 21, 2024


Dear Board Members,

We would like to thank you that Ben Maljaars was willing to do a brief presentation at our November 7, 2024 consistory meeting regarding plans on starting a care facility in the area. We discussed the initiative during a previous meeting and had a few questions. Thankfully, the presentation and questions afterwards, made things clear enough to see the value and the need for such a care facility.


Therefore, by means of this letter, we would like to let you know that we endorse the idea and pray that, once these plans have become reality, it may become a blessing for the elderly residents.

On behalf of Shiloh Free Reformed Church of Picture Butte, Alberta,


G. Van de Haar



Stats collected from local churches have already identified a large need for a Christian long-term care home. However, we’d love to hear from you! Help us assess needs and provide your input. We will not share your personal information.

Support 2@2x

Help us assess needs and provide your input. 

Your privacy is important to us. We will not share any of your personal information.

Reach out to any member of our board, whether you would like to become involved in the planning process, or if you have a skill you think you can contribute. Many hands really do make light work! Let us know if you are willing to be approached for the provision of in-kind support, especially as it relates to construction, labour, or material discounts.

Support End@2x

©2023 Beloved Care – Charitable Registration No.717553945RR0001. All donations are tax deductible.

Website by VRVA.CA.