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Donate Today!

Every act of generosity, no matter how small, is received with gratefulness. We thank the Lord for you, and we strive to be faithful stewards of your gifts.

“To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Philippians 4:20

Once the project cost estimate and financial plan are complete, specific fundraising goals will be outlined here.

BeLoved Care is a registered charity, and donations will receive a charitable receipt. We rely on donations from individuals and businesses to help us to fulfill our mission. Our work is overseen by a volunteer board of directors and our finances are reviewed annually. One-time and monthly donations are both gratefully received, however monthly donations will help assure a steady and predictable source of income, assist with effective planning, and reduce administrative and marketing costs. Regardless, BeLoved Care strives to use all donations for the good of our residents and to the glory of God.


Please make your cheque out to BeLoved Care and mail to


BeLoved Care
1217 22 Avenue
Coaldale, AB T1M 1C6


To make monthly donations by pre-authorized debit (PAD) directly from your bank account, please fill out THIS FORM and mail it, along with a VOID cheque, to


BeLoved Care
1217 22 Avenue
Coaldale, AB  T1M 1C6


This option is preferred since it ensures that 100% of your donation supports our mission rather than credit card companies.


Please send your e-transfer to:




Place your email and mailing address in the comment section of the e-transfer to ensure we can keep you up-to-date and for donation receipt purposes.

Make a donation to BeLoved Care via credit card. Secure payments are accepted off site via CanadaHelps, Canada’s best destination for donating and fundraising online. Over 4.5 million Canadians have made donations using CanadaHelps.

Once or Monthly:

Make a one time donation or recurring monthly donation to BeLoved Care via credit card.

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©2023 Beloved Care – Charitable Registration No.717553945RR0001. All donations are tax deductible.

Website by VRVA.CA.